Monterey Bay Whale Watch Map of Marine Mammal
Sightings in the Monterey Bay Region
June 1 - June 30, 2000
compiled by Richard Ternullo
Note: Gray Whales are not plotted on the chart. Numerous California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Southern Sea Otters are seen on all trips, and also are not plotted.
This month has seen the most spectacular sightings of Humpback Whales and vertical lunge feeding. However, during the latter part of the reporting period they have dispersed and become irregular. They are still seen frequently but are unpredictable in their location from day to day. Blue Whales have arrived but are also difficult to localize and can be found almost anywhere.
Dolphins are also locally abundant but are also unpredictable in location. Dall's Porpoise remain an enigma with sightings far below expected. We also report the chase of Killer Whales by Risso's Dolphin! This has to my knowledge never been observed before anywhere. Sorry, we have photos and video!
Look for changes in sightings to occur as we merge into Oceanic conditions by the end of the next reporting period (perhaps our first sightings of common dolphin sp. for the season).
The sightings plotted above were compiled by Richard Ternullo for the period 6/1/00 to 6/30/00.
Sightings reported by M. Baxter, D. Davi, G. Fisher, T. Kieckhefer, T. Maddox, N. Lemon, Monterey Bay Whale Watch, H. Neece, L. Oliver, R/V John H. Martin, J. Watt, J. Wetle, J. Williamson, W. Williamson, T. Zoliniack.