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Monterey Bay Whale Watch
Map of Marine Mammal Sightings in the Monterey Bay Region

May 1-31, 2002
compiled by Richard Ternullo


Marine Mammal Sightings Map (20K)

Note: Gray whales are not plotted on the chart. Numerous California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Southern Sea Otters are seen on all trips, and are not plotted on the chart.

During May there were more than 40 sightings of up to 20 humpback whales, mostly on shelf waters. By mid-month cow/calf pairs began to be seen. By the last week of the month whales appeared to move as anchovy and sardine schools began to disperse. We probably will see some movement offshore and along canyon edges as krill swarms begin to form.

The sperm whale seen on May 25 and May 27 appears to be the same male seen in the past three years.

There are about 1000 California sea lions hauled out on Monterey Breakwater. As a side note there are more than 100 active nests of Brandt's Cormorant on the breakwater with some recently hatched chicks. The competition for space must be fierce.

Pacific Harbor Seals can be seen from Monterey Harbor to Pt. Lobos and in Elkhorn Slough. Southern (California) sea otters are seen in Monterey Bay and along rocky shorelines to Pt. Lobos.

Click for May 2002 daily sightings list (corresponding to map above).

The sightings plotted above were compiled by Richard Ternullo for the period 5/1/02 to 5/31/02.

Sightings reported by D. Davi, S. Dutton, G. Fisher, J. Lancer, N. Lemon, Monterey Bay Whale Watch, S. Munro, H. Neece, L. Oliver, K. Stagnaro, J. Williamson, W. Williamson.

Copyright © 2002 R. Ternullo. No reproduction of the map or use of the sightings information is permitted without prior approval.


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Monterey Bay Whale Watch, LLC
84 Fisherman's Wharf
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone 831-375-4658  

Copyright © 2002 Richard Ternullo
Last updated June 11, 2002