Monterey Bay Whale Watch Map of Marine Mammal
Sightings in the Monterey Bay Region
September 25 - October 25, 1997
compiled by Richard Ternullo
There continues to be an unusual distribution of baleen whales,
with frequent sightings of Blue Whales and fewer sightings of Humpback Whales.
Warmer waters may have forced Humpback Whales farther north, as they have been
reported off northern California. Short-Beaked Common Dolphin remain the most
frequently sighted small cetacean. Diversity still remains high with fifteen species
of cetaceans recorded this period. The full effects of El Nino are not apparent
in Monterey Bay yet.
Note -- California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Southern Sea Otters,
which are seen on all whale watching trips, are not plotted on the chart.
These sightings are compiled by Richard Ternullo for the period 9/25/97 to
10/25/97. Contributors include: D. Lemon, N. Lemon, Monterey Bay Whale Watch,
H. Neece, Oceanic Society, A. Orsini, Shearwater Journeys, R. Ternullo, J.
Williamson, W. Williamson.