Monterey Bay Whale Watch Map of Marine Mammal
Sightings in the Monterey Bay Region
April 26 - May 25, 1998
compiled by Richard Ternullo
Note: Gray Whales are not plotted on the chart. Numerous California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Southern Sea Otters are seen on all trips, and also are not plotted.
Humpback Whales feeding in Monterey Bay along with hundreds of dolphins and seabirds are offering incredible views. On some days Humpback Whales are associated with Pacific White-sided Dolphins, on others with Long-beaked Common Dolphins. It is interesting to note that the two dolphin species, although feeding in the same area at the same time, do not intermix to any significant extent. Principal prey appears to be Northern Anchovy and Pacific Sardine.
The first Blue Whale sightings should occur sometime during the next month. The most notable toothed whale sighting is of two individual Sperm Whales.
The sightings plotted above were compiled by Richard Ternullo for the period 4/26/98 to 5/25/98.
Sightings reported by
British Broadcasting Corporation, S. Charlyn, EcoScan (B. Van Weneggon), Monterey Bay Whale Watch, National Geographic, L. Oliver, R/V Point Sur, Shearwater Journeys, J. Williamson.